I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
William Shakespeare Famous person fact sheet.
Includes key events and important stages in his life, broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos.
I have used this with pupils in Years 3-6 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
KS1 & 2 Power-point lesson which can be used as a single lesson or as a stimulus for cross curricular work. 22 slides presented in simple text focusing on Valentine’s Day traditions, historical information and traditions. The lesson encourages pupils to work with a partner or small group of three to discuss and explain questions about the images and information presented on the slides. Slides include brief information on Cupid, Venus, St.Valentine, Tudor traditions and Valentine symbols. Pupils are encouraged to record their responses on a shared paper.
‘Romeo and Juliet’ fact sheet.
Page 1 Includes key events and important stages in the play broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and images.
Page 2 Includes interesting facts about the text, well known quotes and character information.
I have used this with pupils in Years 3-6 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a text in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
Tim Peake: Famous person fact sheet.
Includes key events and important stages in the life of the British astronaut, broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos.
I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
Crime and Punishment ‘Witch Trial’ resource pack.
The pack is based around a fictional short story set in 1649 and based on true events. A ‘Witch-Picker’ travels from Edinburgh to the North of England carrying out witch trials which resulted in the execution of over 100 people. The story includes a historical context and notes.
I wrote the story myself after being unable to find resources which helped pupils understand the concepts, beliefs, fear and motivation surrounding the persecution of individuals as witches in the 17th century rather than focus on the gore and horror of punishment.
The resource pack includes:
• Short story and historical notes.
• Historical information power-point about witches in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Seven pupil resources:
• Pupil worksheet to summarise the historical context of the story.
• Glossary Activity
• Glossary cards
• Courtroom drama activity and resources for pupils.
• Pupil activity about how the witch picker was so powerful.
• Pupil activity – Thought Pyramid and questions for small group discussion (6 sets).
• Pupil activity – match the crime to the punishment.
India fact sheet.
Includes locational information and geographical features broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos.
I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a country in a range of genres (newspaper report, non-fiction report, weather report or information text etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the country followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
In geography lessons I have used this factsheet with a small group and asked the pupils to compare the physical and geographical features of India with the UK.
Edward Teach – Captain Blackbeard. Famous person fact sheet.
Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos.
I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
Linked topics: Pirates, Famous people, Ships and the Sea.
Anne Bonny and Mary Read – Female pirates. Famous person fact sheet.
Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos.
I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
Linked topics: Pirates, Famous people, Ships and the Sea.
Geographical features cards. Set of 60 cards depicting a physical geographical feature (natural and human) and a beautiful photographic image. The cards can be used to encourage recognition of the features. Pupils can use them as a sorting exercise or as a paired or group ‘guessing game’. Can be placed in the class library area or the ‘Early Finisher’ box/tray. A double set of cards (laminated) can offer pupils opportunities for fun games such as Snap and Pairs.
I have used these to help pupils develop work on features eg: writing a factual or descriptive piece about a feature or set of features or a researched paragraph about current issues relating to a geographical feature eg: coastal erosion on Norfolk coastline, how the Grand Canyon was formed. Can be used by Y2 -Y6 upwards. Useful for topics on Geography, Climate and Weather, Coastal erosion, UK etc.
Weather photograph pack. Set of 50+ beautiful colour photos on a power-point slide presentation. Includes extreme weather (storms, hurricanes, heatwave etc). I have included a slide of weather symbols and a worksheet of weather symbols for pupil use (eg for a weather chart or observation and recording).Slides 58-67 are photographs of weather instruments.
Can be used for inspiring the start of a topic on weather or as a stimulus for speech and language development, creative writing and poetry.
Horatio Nelson Famous person fact sheet.
Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos.
I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
Famous people set of 10 fact sheets.
Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos.
I have used these factsheets with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used them with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
A set of four creepy pictures for pupils to describe using spooky vocabulary and phrases. Useful for writing a single descriptive paragraph rather than a whole story.
Great to link to topics on ‘Halloween’, Night and Day, Darkness, Sci-Fi etc
Local study Traffic problems set of 4 worksheets. KS2.
Worksheet 1: Pupil traffic survey for pupils to investigate traffic flow on a street nearest to their school (morning, lunchtime, afternoon). The worksheet is simple to use with pictures for easy completion. Pupils count using a tally. Great for small group with an adult. I used this and gave a different group of 6 the task on a specific day of the week. All pupils had a chance to carry out the survey. By the end of the week, we had a picture of the road traffic problems over the course of a week at three different times of the day. Was great for comparison work.
Worksheet 2: A set of follow up questions stemming from the survey plus 4 questions asking pupils their opinions about the road after the survey eg how safe do you feel riding a bike on this road?
Worksheet 3: Problems caused by traffic through a picture/phrase matching task.
Worksheet 4: Improving traffic issues by using road signs in town centres.
Links well with work on Cities, Transport, Local Study.
Aztecs 3 Factsheets KS2
Factsheet 1 Simple facts about who the Aztecs were, where they came from, where they settled.
Factsheet 2 Aztec gods and a brief description.
Factsheet 3 Where the Aztecs settled and the end of their civilization.
Includes key events broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos.
I have used this with pupils in Years 5 & 6 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous civilization in a range of genres (newspaper report, non-fiction report, letter or diary writing, fiction, etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
A simple scaffolding template for a pupil letter to a new teacher at the start of term. Can be used for Y2-Y6 depending on ability. Useful as a prompt for pupils to introduce themselves to their new class teacher . Structured to cover the main areas pupils usually want teachers to know about and can be used as a starting point for ‘Guess who?’ games and encouraging friendships between pupils with similar tastes and hobbies.
Day of the Dead Mexican pp lesson with activities and worksheet resources.
Learning objectives
I know what’ El Día de Los Muertos’ means in English.
I can say which language it is translated from and where the celebration originates.
I know where Mexico is located on a map.
I can explain the features on the Mexican flag.
I can name the objects placed on the Day of the Dead altars.
I can explain the symbols and rituals carried out by the Mexican people on the specific celebration days.
I can describe how sugar skulls are made and why they are important.
I can write a non-chronological report using my knowledge about ‘The Day of the Dead’ celebration.
Includes six pupil worksheets, opportunities for partner work, simple map task and links to You Tube clips about the celebration and how to make ‘papel picado’.
Great KS2 lesson as a stand-alone or as part of a series of lessons with a cross curricular topic eg Mexico, Aztecs, Halloween, Celebrations etc
Florence Nightingale Famous person fact sheet.
Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos.
I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
George Stephenson Famous person fact sheet.
Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos.
I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
Queen Victoria Famous person fact sheet.
Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos.
I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.